Monday, August 25, 2008

Being ridiculous

Sometimes, I feel that I am very blur, meaning that I often utter something which is completely ludicrous and irrelevant.
However, today is the day when I was EXTREMELY ridiculous..
Hahaha... I often make stupid jokes... wait a minute... they were not considered as jokes hohoho...
Anyway, the main thing was when I asked 'RG', "Where did the kid fall from??"
It sounded wrong, didn't it? And when he answered,"From upstairs", I was shocked!
I actually believed it for a second... HAHA.. OMG..
Well... this was the time where I can be so strange but I kind of like it...
hahaha... It was a good laugh for everybody rite 'RG'?


Anonymous said...

ahahha..sory lah...

Felix_Vincent_Ang said...

haha. billly lucu pisan. ya. dari lantai 1 sampe lantai 3 wa ketawa terus. ^^ Billy keep up the good work